Date in Gregorian: 12 December (Kanun al-Awwal) 2024
Date in Hijri: 11 Jumada ath-Thānī 1446
Time Now: 03:40:39AMaccording the the local time of Dzaoudzi
Time Zone: Indian/Mayotte
Calculation Method: Muslim World League
Asr Calculation Method: Shafi
Latitude Adjustment Method: No rule
Azan times in Dzaoudzi Thursday 12 December (Kanun al-Awwal) 2024, 11 Jumada ath-Thānī 1446
The time for Fajr azan in Dzaoudzi, Mayotte is at 04:08 AM, Sunrise is at 05:27 AM, Dhuhr azan is at 11:53 AM , Asr azan is at 03:19 PM, Maghrib azan is at 06:19 PM and Isha azan is at 07:33 PM.